Sep. 25 OH Predictive Insights / MBQF 370 LV Brill 25% Gosar 57%
AZ-04 Arizona's 4th District
Predicted Vote %
Predicted Win %
Paul Gosar
David Brill
District Profile Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.
This district consists of the outer edges of the Phoenix metropolitan area and stretches into the rural western part of Arizona. The plurality of this district’s population is over the age of 65. Since being redrawn after the 2010 Census, this district has been a GOP stronghold, with the Republican candidate winning at least two-thirds of the vote in all elections since 2012. Paul Gosar has been an Arizona representative in congress since 2010, and the representative for the fourth district since 2012. He is staunchly conservative and is part of the House Freedom Caucus; he is pro-life and strongly in favor of gun rights. His Democratic opponent is Dr. David Brill, a physician and businessman who supports a public health option such as medicare and wants to lower the national debt.