CA-02 California's 2nd District


Predicted Vote %

Predicted Win %

Jared Huffman



Dale Mensing



District Profile Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

California’s second congressional district is on the northern coast of the state, contains mostly coastal cities including, San Rafael and Petaluma, and stretches from the golden Gate Bridge up to it border with Oregon. The race is between Democratic incumbent Jared Huffman, and Republican challenger Dale Mensing. In this district, the presidential election of 2012 results were in favor of Obama by 19.97%, the house election results in 2014 were in favor of the Jared Huffman by 27.95%, the presidential election results in 2016 were in favor of Clinton by 23.65%, and the house election results of 2016 were in favor of Huffman by 26.33%.

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