CA-43 California's 43rd District
Predicted Vote %
Predicted Win %
Maxine Waters
Omar Navarro
District Profile Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.
California 43 is centered in South Los Angeles County. CA-43 has been represented by Democrat Maxine Waters since 2013. She joined the House of Representatives in 1991, previously representing CA-29 (1991-1993) and CA-35(1993-2013). Prior to her time in office, Waters served in the California State Assembly from 1977-1991, and as a Delegate for the Democratic National Convention from 1972-1988. In this midterm election, Waters is being challenged by Republican Omar Navarro, a lawyer from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. In 2012, Obama won 79.59% of the two-party vote; in 2014, Waters won 71% of the two-party vote; and in 2016, Clinton won 82.44% of the two-party vote and Waters won 76.2% of the two-party vote.