CA-06 California's 6th District


Predicted Vote %

Predicted Win %

Doris Matsui, Jrmar Jefferson

near 100%


near 0%


District Profile Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

California’s 6th congressional district contains the city of Sacramento, the state’s capital and 6th largest city in California, and most of its suburbs. The race is contested between two Democratic candidates, the Incumbent Doris Matsui, and her challenger Jrmar Jefferson. In this district, the presidential election of 2012 results were in favor of Obama by 18.98%, the house election results in 2014 were in favor of Doris Matsui by 25.65%, the presidential election results in 2016 were in favor of Clinton by 22.82%, and the house election results of 2016 were in favor of Matsui by 24.83%.

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