CA-09 California's 9th District
Predicted Vote %
Predicted Win %
Jerry McNerny
Marla Livengood
District Profile Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.
California's 9th congressional district is centered on the city of Stockton, containing parts of somewhat robust counties as San Joaquin, Sacramento, and Contra Costa. The race is between Democratic Incumbent Jerry Mcnerney, who has been in charge since 2013, and his Republican counterpart, Marla Livengood. In this district, the presidential election of 2012 results were in favor of Obama by 7.08%, the house election results in 2014 were in favor of Jerry McNerney by 5.35%, the presidential election results in 2016 were in favor of Clinton by 8.72%, and the house election results of 2016 were in favor of McNerney by 6.91%.