Kansas's 1st District
Roger Marshall
Alan LaPolice
District Profile
Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.
The population of this district is 40.85% rural. This district composes over half the land area of the state and contains many of Kansas's cities. The predominant breakdown of residents' race is: 77% Caucasian, 14% Hispanic. The median income of this district is $48,156. 24% of residents have a bachelor's degree or higher. Kansas 1 has had a Republican representative for the last 60 years. They voted Republican in the last 5 presidential elections. The Democratic candidate running in this district is Alan LaPolice. He has served in the military and was a district superintendent. His primary focus is improving agriculture, in particular by increasing trade, keeping the drought safety net in tact, increasing immigration, and improving environmental regulations. The Republican candidate running in this district is Roger Marshall. He is currently in his first term representing Kansas 1. He wants to limit government intervention in healthcare, the economy, the environment, and gun rights; he is also pro-life.
District Updates and Posts
PoliStat |
Oct. 11, 2018, 11:13 p.m.
Oct. 26-28 Emerson College 221 LV LaPolice 36% Marshall 51%
Oct. 22-23 Jayhawk Consulting 600 LV LaPolice 38% Marshall 42%
Oct. 8-9 Remington Research Group 1,432 LV LaPolice 26% Marshall 60%
Sept. 26-28 Emerson College 193 RV LaPolice 17% Marshall 44%
Sept. 21-22 Jayhawk Consulting 400 LV LaPolice 33% Marshall 44%