PA-05 Pennsylvania's 5th District
Predicted Vote %
Predicted Win %
Mary Gay Scanlon
Pearl Kim
District Profile Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.
One of the weirdest shaped districts, old district 7, has been redrawn into district 5. The district has lost rural, republican areas and has been condensed into parts of Montgomery and Delaware County. The previous incumbent, Republican Patrick Meehan, did not file for re-election leaving Democrat Mary Gay Scanlon and Republican Pearl Kim to run for the open seat. Scanlon used to serve on the Wallington-Swathmore School Board and the Pro Bono Counsel. Due to her background in education, she seeks to better public education and accessibility to said education. Kim used to work in the District Attorney’s Office and is a cancer survivor. She seeks to create a fair immigration system and the promotion of the economy through fair trade.