RI-01 Rhode Island's 1st District


Predicted Vote %

Predicted Win %

David Cicilline



Patrick Donovan



District Profile Last Updated: Oct. 5, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

The population of this district is 3.03% rural. It contains most of the state's largest city, Providence, as well as all of Bristol and Newport counties. It is an urban/suburban district. The predominant breakdown of residents' race is: 68% Caucasian, 6% African American, 10% Hispanic. The median income of this district is $56,547. 34% of residents have a bachelor's degree or higher. Rhode Island 1 has had a Democratic representative since 1995. In the past 5 district elections, the Democratic candidate has won by a vote of 64.5% in 2016, 59.5% in 2014, 53% in 2012, 50.6% in 2010, and 68.5% in 2008. This district voted Democratic in the last 4 presidential elections. The Democratic candidate running in this district is David Cicilline. He has been representing Rhode Island 1 since 2011. He wants to increase jobs, improve education, maintain Obamacare, defend the environment, and help undocumented immigrants gain citizenship. The Republican candidate running in this district is Patrick Donovan. His top priorities are renewable energy and improving business.

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